CIDR Conversion Table

Dec 01, 2007 Subnet IP Calculator IP/mask Up to the last IP in the subnet Mask Address count Class; a.b.c.d/32 + 1: 1 / 256 C: a.b.c.d/31 + 2: 1/128 C CIDR Conversion Table none none /32: A network is called a subnet when the prefix boundary contains more bits than the network's natural mask. Examples is a class C network address with a natural mask of /24. /22 is a supernet which yields: or /24. subnetting question? | Yahoo Answers

The subnet mask 255.255.255. address is the most common subnet mask used on computers connected to Internet Protocol (IPv4) networks. Besides its use on home network routers, you might also encounter this mask on network professional certification exams such as the CCNA. This free online IP subnet calculator covers both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols, providing information such as IP address, network address, subnet mask, IP range, and more. Also, explore hundreds of other math, financial, fitness, and health calculators. One of them has a static Private IP Address in 192.168.168.X with /24 subnet mask for communication to a SAN. Two of them are teamed and the Team is assigned with static Public IP Addresses . The preferred IP Address is a public IP address with subnet mask (/25) and there are additional IP address given on the teamed NIC ,most 11111111.11111111.111111 11 This free online IPv4 subnet calculator also can be used as a teaching tool and presents the subnetting results as

Netmask Conversions If you have ever needed to know what a netmask looks like expressed in some other format this table of equivalents should help.