Feb 10, 2020

Creating chat rooms everywhere - phpFreeChat Need a live free chat for your website ? phpfreechat is made for you. Your visitors can thus discuss through public and private chat rooms. In addition, the interface is customizable on desktops, tablets and smartphones to fit your website design. html - Creating a client for a chat in PHP - Stack Overflow The function client() is the code I have from a client.php file, which when I execute on the terminal, is able to send and receive messages from the server.php. Now I would like to use my main.php file, so once the user is logged in he will send messages to the server, which … PHP Chat Scripts, Free PHP Chat Room, PHP Chat App All the installation and configuration can be accomplished in a few minutes for PHP Chat users, whether paid mode or free mode, although the previous one has more control to the chat rooms, ie: the following things will be done automatically for the paid chat rooms: database configuration, flash chat software configuration, copying chat client 15 Best PHP Chat Scripts for Your Projects | Code Geekz

Very simple jQuery AJAX PHP chat. jQuery is a fast, concise, JavaScript Library that simplifies how you traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add Ajax interactions to your web pages. jQuery is designed to change the way that you write JavaScript.

Feb 17, 2020

Download Rocket.Chat Desktop Client for free. Official OSX, Windows, and Linux Desktop Clients for Rocket.Chat. Rocket.Chat Desktop client is the official desktop app for Rocket.Chat, the simple but powerful open source web chat platform. It's tested on macOS, Windows and Linux and delivers a superb array of tools and features.

html - Creating a client for a chat in PHP - Stack Overflow